Sunday, November 12, 2023

Iyla Grace 11.0

     Iyla Grace 11.0 arrives with some delightful upgrades, including a command of language and reading beyond her years.  This release is more independent and engaged with peers.  She talks on the phone with her "besties" every day who collaborate on short-film projects written and directed by You-Know-Who.

     Like her Papa, Iyla is most comfortable alone with her thoughts.  Daily, she walks the property carrying on conversations with herself, often experimenting with narrative and characters that will comprise her next film script.  To an outsider, this behavior may seem peculiar -- girl alone, talking aloud; to me, it is a showcase for immense, creative imagination.

    Happy Birthday, my Darling Iyla Grace!

1 comment:

  1. holy WOW! that first pic!!!!! the girl has *style* in every single last fingertip!! ;)
