Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Two Step

The man on the streetcorner huffs and puffs
and blows an angry wind at the passersby.

The passersby recoil from his bloodshot eyes,
his blistered neck and forearms,
his indignant, wire-brush hair.

He argues aloud with himself.

Only the crimson-faced woman who swears
that Elvis speaks to her through the commode
will challenge him.

They shout conspiracies in each other's direction
while anxious pedestrians hurry past,
eager to avoid eye contact.

The pedestrians also carry on a conversation
with themselves,
one which, if audible, would showcase
all of the terror and rage and neuroticism
that mixes into our human predicament.

Vehicle traffic passes by with indifference.
Drivers hurl terrible indignities
at their fellow motorists.

A couple stumbles into the road and is nearly
taken out by a tour bus.
The bus collides with an SUV,
underscoring the razor-thin margin
that separates the fortunate from the forsaken.

Each of us is one medical catastrophe,
one financial devastation,
two tragic steps from tripping into the abyss.

So, hold grace for the man on the streetcorner,
grace for the crimson-faced sister,
grace for the pedestrians and motorists
and all whose fate balances on the knife's edge.

For you and me, 
hold grace.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Iyla Grace 12.0

   Iyla Grace 12.0 is a Tween!  Just look at this young lady:  she wears makeup; she has attitude; she converses endlessly with her friends; is obessessed with Taylor ("Tay Tay") Swift and similiar artists.

   This was the first Halloween I did not take Iyla Trick-or-Treating.  It hurt my Papa heart to hear her say, "I'm sorry, Papa, but I want to go with my friends."  She is growing up, and I must let her.

   For Iyla's birthday, she will receive an iWatch so that we may communicate with her and know her location at all times ... She wanted a phone, but, we are not ready for that.

   Art and Theater remain passions.  Iyla is enrolled in Choir and Musical Theater at Middle School and participates in a private theater conservatory on weekends.

   I love her so much ... Happy Birthday, my Darling Iyla Grace!

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Brothers and Sisters,
raise your hands to the Lord.
Invite his Holy Spirit to fill your vessel
with his wonderous love.
Hallelujah!  Can I get an 'Amen'?
Ah-shah-la-la Me-kah-show-nah-teh,
Oh-nah-tah-shah Me-kah-tah-neh

Speaking in Tounges, they called it.

Most merely stood in the pew
uttering concatenations,
our Old Man among them.
I studied his cadence and learned
to mimic the routine
so as not to be singled out for unbelief.

The grander the display the brighter
the accolades from church elders.

Some danced in the aisles.
Others launched into convulsive fits.
The best of them was Sister Mary Hoagarten,
a lowly widow from East Kansas City
with a silver bird's nest of hair
and bellowing, staccato delivery.

Mary committed to her performance.

She was method,

drawing from a boundless well
of resentment and betrayal
to deliver her weekly self-exorcism.

Mary writhed and howled,
trembled and flailed about,
always ending her number with a flurry
of guttural yawps that climaxed
in an abrupt silence which
centered the congratation
in solemn reflection.

Mary enjoyed a long and storied run
as the High Priestess of Spectacle,

until Lester Hollinger joined the congregation.

Brother Lester was a towering, erudite man,
always in the same charcoal undertaker's suit.
He never missed an opportunity
to promote his biblical memorization.

One Sunday morning,
Lester descended from the foyer
and assisted Mary off the carpet.
He ushered her to her seat,
shuffled to the microphone,
cleared his throat,
and delivered an 
Interpretation of Tongues:

Brothers, Sisters, our Lord and Savior
has revealed to me, his humble servant,
the message within Sister Mary's utterance.
Indeed, it is a passage from the Holy Book: 
I Corinthians 14:27-28.
'Let her keep silent in the church, 
and let her speak only to herself and to God.'

A thundering chorus of Amens went up
to the heavens.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Eloise Jane 8.0

     Eloise Jane version 8.0 drops today.  This release is packed with curiosity and affection for animals and insects.  Eloise consumes endless video content about the animal world.  She desires an army of pets.  She scolds me for killing hornets and scorpions in the house, pleading with their executioner to show mercy.

     For her birthday, Eloise is receiving the gift of (and responsibility for) chickens.  Let's hope that, come v9.0 release, those chickens are still clucking.

     Happy Birthday, Miss Eloise Jane Lambert.  You make my heart oh so very happy!